Welcome to the
If you spell your surname like any of the following :-
or, on some occasions, like the following :-
or any other variation on the Crabbe theme then this is the website for you! Obviously, when typing I cannot keep repeating all the different spellings so where I am not referring to a specific person's name I use the CRABBE spelling as I'm rather more used to it. The 'K' versions are rarely directly connected to the 'C' versions but there have been a few Krebs-Crabb(s) links noticed.
If you are interested in the KRABBE family then I suggest that you have a look at the Krabbe Family Pages website as well. You will need to register but I'm sure you'll find it worth doing.
Many researchers are working on their own branches of the World-wide Crabbe Family Tree - this website provides a place where they can exchange information, post queries, suggest lines of research and generally discuss their mutual problems. Obviously I cannot personally have access to all the source materials used by contributors to this website - only my own tree (tree 100) contains data which I can fully support with the necessary documentation - all the other trees represent the best interpretation of data supplied by other researchers, each of whom have the relevant source documents available to them. I am always grateful to receive photocopies of any source documents than anyone cares to contribute.
From here you can explore some of these trees on-line, get some idea of the range of useful data available from my database, catch up on the news through the latest Crabbery newsletter, browse through some of the articles from earlier issues, join in the discussions on our mailing list, post you own queries to our message board or check up on the latest events in the wide-spread Crabbe Family.
All materials contained in these pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged in researching their family origins. Any commercial use, or electronic publishing on another site without the consent of the host/author of these pages is prohibited. All images used on this page were obtained from sources permitting free, non-profit distribution, or generated by the author, and are subject to the same restrictions/permissions.
Some items were copied from the USGENWEB site and the following restrictions still apply to these copied items :
USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material.
All persons contributing material for posting on these pages do so in recognition of their free, non-commercial distribution, and further, are requested to ensure that no copyright is violated by their submission.
If you see anything on these pages which you believe to be copyrighted by someone other than the host/author please advise me and I will check to see whether or not it can be used in this way.
Total page loads 2009 = 49,992
Total page loads 2008 = 36,655
Total page loads 2007 = 40,879
Total page loads 2006 = 34,951
Total page loads 2005 = 30,584
This page last updated on 9th February 2010
This website © John Crabbe, 2010